Rules and Regulations
All lots in the Woodlawn Cemetery are sold in accordance with the provisions of the laws of the State of New York and shall not be used for any other purposes than as a burial place for dead human beings.
No interment shall be allowed without permission being first obtained from the Woodlawn Cemetery Association. At the time of applying for permission the following must be furnished:
Interment Order
Burial Permit or Certificate of Cremation
Appropriate Fee (see current Fee Schedule)
Lot owners are prohibited from allowing interments to be made on their lots for compensation.
Interments in a lot are restricted to those entitled to burial therein according to the terms of Section1512 of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law. Permission for burial of those not entitled to burial according to the said Section must be filed with the Woodlawn Cemetery Association by the lot owner(s).
Except as provided for in Section 1513(c) of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law, no lot owner may transfer his or her lot.
The full purchase price must be paid before a deed will be given or burial allowed on the lot.
No dogs are allowed in the cemetery.
Glass containers of any kind on graves is prohibited. The placement of borders, fences, or excessive embellish-
ments is strictly forbidden.
The Woodlawn Cemetery Association reserves the right to remove all flowers, wreaths, or other decorations from lots as soon as they become unsightly.
The Woodlawn Cemetery Association reserves the right to remove, after due notice to the lot owner has been attempted, any monument, mound, mausoleum, embellishment on the lot, effigy or inscription which, in the opinion of the majority of the Board members, is unsightly or dangerous.
The Woodlawn Cemetery Association reserves the right to prune or remove any existing shrub, plant, or tree deemed dangerous, unsightly, or infringing on any adjacent lot or roadway. The planting of trees or shrubs is prohibited by the Woodlawn Cemetery Association.
Funerals must be at the cemetery by 3:00pm in order that workmen will have sufficient time to properly close the grave and remove equipment before 5:00pm. Hours of operation are 9:00am to 5:00pm.
All funerals, processions and vehicles will be under control of the caretaker/sexton while in the cemetery.
No vault or mausoleum shall be built above ground without the permission of the Board and then only in such location as they may approve.
No mausoleum will be approved for construction by the Board unless a sufficient endowment is set up to provide adequate income to maintain the structure.
All foundations will be constructed under the direction of Woodlawn Cemetery Association. They may only be installed by cemetery employees, or by a business at which a headstone is purchased.
All work done in the cemetery shall be done by cemetery employees or under their control or with the permission of the caretaker/sexton or the Board.
Monuments shall be allowed on a lot and it shall be set in accordance with the general plan of the cemetery.
The base of all monuments shall be finished true and level so as to fit on foundations without wedging or sprawls.
No monument will be allowed to be delivered in the cemetery until the foundation is ready to receive the monument.
Heavy trucks or other vehicular traffic shall be refused entrance to the cemetery when, in the opinion of the caretaker/sexton, injury to roads and driveways might result.
All persons shall be allowed access to the cemetery during daylight hours, observing the rules which are in effect and the propriety due the cemetery.
Vehicle traffic must stay on the roadways. No parking off roadways near or around monuments will be allowed.
All monuments or markers must be constructed of bronze or natural stone.
Dis-interments will be allowed between 8:00 a.m. and 12 noon provided the provisions of Section 1510€ of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law are complied with.
Interments on Sundays and Holidays will be governed by NYS Cemetery Board Directives 201.8 and 201.12.
Graves will be opened during winter months in accordance with NYS Cemetery Board Directive 201.8. If winter burial is requested, and if penetration of frost or removal of snow is necessary to perform a winter burial, the cemetery will charge the actual additional amount that it costs the cemetery to do this work.
Cremated remains will not be permitted to be scattered in any part of the cemetery.
Concrete vaults or concrete grave liners will be required for interments in all graves purchased on or after January 1, 1985, in accordance with the provisions of NYS Cemetery Board Directive 201.6.
The interments of cremated remains will be permitted only in appropriate non-deteriorative receptacles.
Only human remains and/or cremated human remains will be permitted in each grave. Each full-size 4’ x 10’ plot may contain one full burial and up to but not exceeding 8 cremains. The casket burial must be the first burial before any cremains are allowed. Each 4’ x 5’ cremation plot may contain up to but not exceeding 6 cremains.
All lot owners are required to notify the Cemetery of any change of address. All notices required to be sent by the Cemetery shall be sent to the last recorded address and such notices shall be deemed adequate.
These rules and regulations may be amended by the Board of said Woodlawn Cemetery Association, but no such amendments shall be effective until approved by the New York State Cemetery Board.
Updated July 2021